Hello, World.
I'm Vinay Kumar
And I'm a Fullstack Developer
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Personal Info

Get to know more about me


My name is Vinay Kumar and I'm a passionate Frontend Developer (React & React Native), using web and mobile technologies to build amazing products and solving problems for different niches and different industries using the power of technology.

I will love to hear from you. Whether it's a project, job opportunity, or just a chat. Feel free to contact me.


  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript
  • Sass
  • React
  • ES6
  • Redux
  • React Native
  • AWS Services
  • Firebase
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • Mongodb
  • GraphQL
  • Git

Latest Projects

Some of my latest Projects
sneaks heads project image

Firewires Solutions

Smart Home App

It is a full-fledged Smart Home app that I designed and developed from ground up using frontend techonologies like React Native & Redux for Firewires Solutions.

sneaks heads project image

Sneak Heads

Sneak Heads is a MERN stack E-Commerce application for sneakers. It's frontend uses React, Redux, React Bootstrap and backend uses Node, Express, MongoDB and PayPal API.

Nature tours project image

Nature Tours

Nature Tours is a Server Side Rendered website and a RESTful API for a fictional tour company. It's frontend uses Pug templating engine and backend is implemented using Node, Express & MongoDB.

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Dumb Jokes App

Dumb Jokes is a web application that allows users to view dumb & hilarious jokes. The jokes can be rated by the user and they persists in the local storage. It's made using React & CSS.

budgetify project image


Budgetify is a web application that allows logged in users to keep track of their incomes and expenses. It's frontend uses React and backend uses Firebase Realtime Database & Firebase Authentication.


Say Hello.

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Mobile: (+91) 9519948533




Uttar Pradesh, India